There is a different process for visitors and residents to get married in the Cayman Islands. A local or resident is described as someone who has lived in the Cayman Islands for more than 15 days. They must have their Banns of Marriage published for 7 days, through a process called "posting of the Banns of Marriage". Visitors must be married under a "Special Marriage License" issued under the authority of the Governor of the Cayman Islands. If one party to the wedding is a resident and the other is a visitor, then the wedding is performed under the authority of "Banns of Marriage".
Must be a resident of the Cayman Islands for more than 15 days
Banns of Marriage posted for 7 days (we will take care of this for you)
Completed application form
Valid passport ( or birth certificate and government issued ID such as a voter’s ID)
Final divorce decree if you have been married before
A spousal death certificate if your former spouse is deceased
Proof of immigration status
Completed application form
Valid passport ( or birth certificate and government issued ID such as a drivers license.)
Final divorce decree if you have been married before
A spousal death certificate if your former spouse is deceased
Special Marriage License (we will take care of this for you)
White immigration card (you will get this at the airport when you arrive)
Completed application form
Valid passport ( or birth certificate and government issued ID such as a driver’s license.)
Final divorce decree if you have been married before
A spousal death certificate if your former spouse is deceased
Special Marriage License (we will take care of this for you)
Copy of your ship card
Frequently Asked Questions
Resident Clients
We require a CI$50 deposit to book your wedding or event and hold your date. The final payment is required a minimum of one day before your wedding/event.
Overseas Clients
We require a US$250 deposit to book your event and hold your date. The final payment is due on or before the day of your wedding or event. -
Local Weddings
The $50 deposit is non-refundable.
You will receive a $200 refund up to 7 days before the wedding or event. Deposits are non-refundable within 7 days of the event.*Exceptions are made for cancellations that are out of your control (eg., a ship skipping port).
We can book your event one year out. This will hold your date. We start the planning process 6 months prior to your event date.
6 months prior to your event date.